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Uncle Dust
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Uncle Dust
Copyright © 2014, Rob Pierce
All rights reserved. No part of this electronic book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by electronic or mechanical means including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher, except where permitted by law.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Co-publishers: Mike Monson and Chris Rhatigan
Cover design: Chris Rhatigan
For Susan, without whose support my life, if not my writing, would be even more neurotic. And for our sons Nathan and Julian, who’ve managed to put up with me their entire lives. To the three of you, for all the love all these years.
There was something about Theresa’s mouth. Not the usual something; this was something I didn’t like.
“But you don’t like much of anything about me, do you? Except the part you fuck.”
She could always read my face faster than I could talk. “You’re wrong,” I said.
She counted the money on the kitchen bar, rubber banded it in thousand-dollar stacks. “I ain’t wrong about the second part. So let’s hear you count the ways.” The suitcase was open on the bar. She lay five stacks in it and looked at me.
“It’s something about your lips.”
“That’s something you love?” She ran her hand over her black hair, but it was already pushed back and flattened. Her eyes were green like emeralds, nothing I’d expect from a face so dark. But I’d gotten over that surprise days ago.
“No one’s ever gonna complain about the way you look.”
“Not complaining’s a long way from loving.” Her eyes left me for the money and she resumed stacking.
I stepped around the other side of the bar, poured two glasses of scotch, put one in front of her and sat beside her with the other and the bottle. “Is this about love?” My eyebrows rose. “When did that happen?”
“Fuck you.” She kept counting money, and that was all I wanted her to do. The banded stacks were small. When she finished there would be a lot of them. Someone’s payroll must have been in that little bank. Now that payroll sat on our bar. Theresa sat on a bar stool in a short skirt, legs crossed, counting money.
I put my hand on her thigh and she backhanded me, hard. I leaned into the slap and kept leaning, kissed her harder than she hit. She tumbled off her stool to the floor and I tumbled with her. That thing about her lips still bothered me, but it could bother me later.
Theresa changed clothes. I threw my old ones back on. She went back to counting, I walked around the room. “You’re right,” I said. “I do like that part I fuck.”
Theresa looked like she’d throw something at me, but all she had near her was money and scotch, and she wasn’t mad enough to throw either. She shook her head, and it was almost there again, that thing I’d seen on her mouth.
“I don’t know him,” I said, “but I earned this money. If you go, the money stays.”
She looked at me like I made that shit up.
“You do that good: mouth open a little, eyebrows up, eyes wide. Shit, I’m sorry I raised my eyebrows earlier. Didn’t mean to steal your act.”
“You stupid fuck. When would I be with anyone else? There’s no one else, won’t be no one else. When I walk out on you, it’s all because of you.”
I nodded. “I appreciate that.” But I didn’t believe it. There was someone else, someone she liked better than me. I slammed my hand on the bar, shook the glasses and the bottle and the money that wasn’t counted yet. I grabbed my scotch and took a drink. I finished it and poured another. “You want more?”
She finished her glass, nodded. I pushed the bottle at her.
She looked at the bottle, figured it out, poured her own. “So, the rules have changed.”
She wore a different short skirt and her eyes batted at me and if she hadn’t just had me she’d have me now. “That’s on you,” I said. “You want a man or you want money. With me you get both.”
“There’s no one else.”
The money was all in the suitcase. I shut it, latched it, picked it up and put it in the hall closet, on the floor. “Then it’s just you and me and your boy.”
“Jeremy,” she nodded.
I stepped toward her. “The suitcase is unlocked. Stupid thieves break nice suitcases. You try and spend that money, those bills are marked, they will come back.”
“I’m not ripping you off, Dustin.”
I walked back into the kitchen, sat with it. “No shit. Ripping me off’s a death sentence.”
Theresa’s eyes narrowed and she took a big drink. “I’m here for you, not the money.”
I shook my head. “The money’s part of me. The other guy—what’s his name, Davis?” She flinched, tried to look normal. “He comes at me, it’ll look like you killed him. Believe me, that’s the way it goes down. He’ll be dead, you’ll be good as. I’ll be in a hotel with my suitcase.”
“It ain’t like that.”
“Don’t tell me what it’s like. Davis drives a ninety-nine Accord, lives at fifty-two thirty-five Lexington, he’s twenty-eight years old with one ex-wife and no kids, he owns the franchise on one Betano’s Ice Cream, and he’d fuck you if you had piranhas in your cunt. And he thinks that’s love. He also thinks you love money, and the only way he gets any is if he takes mine.”
“My God.”
“Yeah. He’s pathetic, ain’t he?”
“I meant you.”
“I’m not obsessed. Maybe he can win you from me. I don’t understand women. But he can’t take the money.”
“And that’s what you care most about.”
“I didn’t say that. You wanna think that way, fine. You and me, we ain’t even complicated and we’re complicated. Money’s simple. The money’s mine. You and me—I like what I know about you. You like me too, that’s how this started. Right?”
Theresa nodded.
“Do you give a shit about the money?” I said.
“I like the action.”
“Davis brings any action, he’s dead.”
Theresa nodded again.
“Explain to him he ain’t part of this. Explain to him you’re mine.”
“I’m yours?”
“We’ll figure that out.”
The little runt ran around like there was a motor in him. His black hair was too short to flap. It tried anyway, more like a wisp. He had a toy car in one hand, a plane in the other, and something else in his brain.
“How old you say that boy is?”
“Ten.” I looked at him close as I could, but he moved one side of the room to the other in nothing flat. “He like anything besides cars and planes?”
Theresa laughed. “He’s too young for that.”
She sat near me on the couch but I didn’t let her get too close. It was too long between jobs. I’d swapped out the marked suitcase for fifty on the dollar and we were running through the fifty. Clean money spends fast. At least I kept the suitcase.
Jeremy ran out of the room. Theresa whispered. “I worry. Cars and trucks and whatever else is in that game. I don’t think school helps.”
She had a drink. I couldn’t, I had to plan. “School’s like that.”
“He’s in fourth grade. He’s behind.”
“Maybe he don’t give a fuck. Who would?”
The boy ran across the room and stopped right in front of us. “Wanna see my trick?”
I smiled. Theresa didn’t. I didn’t look at
her, I just knew. “Yeah, kid. Let’s see it.”
Jeremy raised the tiny car as high as he could in one hand and the little plane in the other. He brought his hands together fast, let go of the toys at the last second. The plane went at an angle and one wing clipped the front of the car. Both toys dropped. Jeremy looked straight up, couldn’t turn away. The car hit him in one eye and the plane in the other. He howled like they were razors.
I laughed, threw my head back, saw Theresa out the corner of one eye.
“What the fuck?” she shouted and reached out to the boy.
I kept laughing. Jeremy ducked his mom’s arms and stepped closer to me. He stopped crying. “It worked in my bedroom.”
I still laughed but it tailed off. “It sure as fuck didn’t work here.”
Jeremy grinned at me. “It sure”—he looked at his mom—“didn’t.”
“What was it supposed to do?”
“They hit each other HARD, and the plane goes back one way and the car goes back the other.”
“That woulda been cool to see.”
“It WAS.”
“But it’s not a good trick to practice inside. One good miss could bust a window. You got a pretty strong arm.”
“Two,” Jeremy nodded.
“The other thing, though, it’s not a good trick to practice outside. You miss, you know, people don’t like it when you hit em with a car.”
“So where do I practice?”
“I dunno. Maybe you should practice somethin else, somethin people expect you to throw at a park. You got a ball and a glove?”
Jeremy shook his head.
I glared at Theresa. “No?”
“You got a boy throwing cars and planes in the house and he doesn’t have a fucking ball and glove?”
She shook her head.
“Jesus. How can I plan anything under these conditions?” I got up off the couch. “Come on, kid. We’re gonna buy some shit and go to the park.”
It ain’t like I like kids. Mainly I don’t like people running around batshit when I’m trying to think. Theresa, for all her great fuckable qualities, didn’t have a clue what a boy needs. Mainly, out of the tiny fucking apartment. Don’t isolate him from the rest of the world, he does that too much without your help. Don’t make him afraid of where he has to live.
I would have said that to her but I was in the car with him. We talked on the way to the sporting goods store. Jeremy was a total dork, but he liked violence so he was alright by me. I bought two fielder’s gloves and a ball and we went to the nearest park.
He threw okay, he must have seen other kids do it, but he was skinny and there wasn’t much power to the throws.
“You gotta lean into it when you let go,” I said. “Put as much of your body in your throw as you can. But if you really like violence, you need other sports.”
“But I’m small.”
I tossed the ball back to him, it bounced off his glove and he scrambled to get it.
“Yeah,” I said, “but we can beef you up. I’ll get you on some weights, get you strong for your size. Mainly, we gotta find the part of you that hates, and we gotta get that in your game.”
Theresa might not like it if the kid liked me too much, might not want her boy to be like me. But if she thought of me like that, she was with the wrong man.
Theresa had these crazy oval eyes, she looked Hawaiian or something, but her last name was Rose, she was a pretty white girl with a tan. She owned a hipster clothing store, Rose & Flame (there wasn’t a partner, she just liked how it sounded). I walked in one day and she sold me a suit. I went in looking for something a little snazzy for myself or really mainstream for work, but she had gorgeous green eyes and a sense of humor and a mid-length skirt showing off legs that looked like they’d kill me if I went any higher. And man, I was ready to die.
My usual lie to strangers about what I do for a living is that it’s boring financial crap but it pays well. This works fine when I never expect to see the person again. It doesn’t work so well if I actually like them and want to let them know that my line of work is exciting. I can’t fake interest in corporate crap, or what most people do for money. And I can’t tell a stranger the truth. So I found a lie I like, and I’m good at lying.
“I’m an actor,” I said, as she walked me through the various suits. “I’ve been cast as a bank robber in the new Scorsese. I guess I look the part. Anyway, the research is a fucking blast.”
Then I get to talk about robbing banks. And one good robbery story is one more than most women have heard. If I tell it right they think maybe I could be a bank robber, and that’s more exciting than my lie about being an actor.
Theresa looked at me coolly. “I liked you better in the first jacket. Let’s try this one.” She lifted a coat from a hanger and handed it to me. “How do you research a bank robbery?”
“Talk to robbers. One good thing about Marty, criminals know his movies. And they talk like crazy, so long’s they don’t incriminate themselves. How a thing could be done in theory, that sorta thing.”
The other coat was already hung up before I had the new one on. Theresa smiled. “Twirl around, slow.” I did a full circle, felt like an idiot. “Look at yourself in the mirror.”
The fit was good, I could tell that without looking.
“So,” she said, as I smiled at myself in the mirror, “who stars?”
She’d have wanted me to say some hot young star and I didn’t know who any of them were, or she’d have wanted me to say DeNiro but that was too easily checked.
“I don’t even know. This just happened.”
She looked at me in the suit. “Dress like this and maybe next time it’s you.”
“You shouldn’t talk to my mom like that.”
“Like what?”
“She thinks you might hurt her.”
I knelt down so we were eye to eye. I smiled at Jeremy. “Don’t you worry about that. That’s just how grown-ups talk sometimes.”
Jeremy shook his head hard and fast. “You talk about her dead.”
I took a step back, patted Jeremy on the head. “Your mom tell you that?”
He looked at the floor. “Sometimes I hear things.”
“You’re hearing things wrong. I’m telling your mom ways she could get hurt. Not by me. I’m protecting her, telling her how to stay safe.”
Jeremy raised his head and looked at me sideways. “Do you love her?”
I shook my head. “Love’s something they teach in fairy tales. Your mom and me, we started out strangers. Now we’re not. That’s a good thing.”
Jeremy had another question, I could see it in his wide eyes, but he covered his mouth with his hand. His eyes narrowed then closed.
“Jeremy,” I said. “I’m your friend. And your mom’s. I’ll protect you. What do you know about this man Davis?”
“Davis?” he asked, muffled, then dropped his hand.
“The other man your mom was seeing. The one who might have lied and said he loved you.”
Jeremy gulped and stepped back. He was only ten and he was scared. He was tiny.
I softened my tone. “Did he say that?”
Jeremy nodded and buried his face in his hands.
“Then I know he said the same thing to your mom.”
Jeremy shook crying but otherwise didn’t move.
I put a hand on his shoulder, steadied him. “Davis is a stranger. He pretends he’s Prince Charming. You ever get a feeling from him, like he’s being too nice?”
Jeremy stopped shaking.
“I hope your mom’s not fooled, but sometimes even grown-ups want a fairy tale. Davis is a liar, and he’ll hurt you if he gets the chance. He’s bad for your mom. You let me know if he comes around. You promise?”
Jeremy looked up at me, nodded fast.
I reached out and shook the boy’s hand. “You’re alright, Jeremy. You tell me about Davis, stand
up to him like that, you’re a man. He shows up again, you let me know.”
I put out my fist. The kid stood taller and bumped it.
“Alright,” I said, and he smiled.
Theresa was out with Jeremy, dragging him to the store after school. That was alright with me, the family thing got on my nerves.
Theresa knew me well enough not to bother calling when it was unimportant, like them taking longer than expected shopping, but it was past six, the sun almost down, and I was hungry. There was no cash in my wallet, so I walked over to the closet and pulled out the suitcase.
I laid it on the floor and popped it open. One of the banded stacks was light, I saw it right away. A stack of twenties. I counted it—two hundred short. Maybe that was why they were taking so long. I slammed the suitcase shut, held down the lid with both hands. She could have had the money if she’d asked, so long as it was for something she needed. If it was for Jeremy, no problem. What did she think I wouldn’t let her buy? And how stupid was she to think I wouldn’t notice it was missing?
Of course, I wouldn’t have noticed if she hadn’t been late getting home. She was getting dumber by the second. I put a twenty in my wallet and put the suitcase away. Maybe I’d have to start locking the damned thing. If it came to that I might as well leave. For now I was going down the street—pizza by the slice and a forty would have to do until I got my answers.
They showed up at 7:30, each carrying a bag of clothes. I sat on the couch, drank from my forty. It wasn’t my first. “Did you get nice stuff?”
“Show him, Jeremy.”
Jeremy raised a black-shoed foot in the air.
“Nice,” I said. “And it’s not Nike, you probably won’t get mugged for it.”
“Mugged?” Jeremy asked.
“This ain’t the inner city, Dustin.” Theresa glared at me. “No one gets mugged for their shoes.”
“A few weeks training and Jeremy won’t get mugged anywhere.”
“Jesus.” She took a step toward the couch, changed her mind, stepped toward Jeremy instead. She took the bag from his hand. “He got other stuff too.”
“T-shirts? Jeans? A three-piece suit?”
“How drunk are you?”